KAM Leader Series: Shaping Innovative Solutions

KAM Leader Series: Shaping Innovative Solutions

KAM Leader Series: Shaping Innovative Solutions

By Dominique Côté

 Co-authored by Tania Lennon, Global Space Lead, Talent Assessment and Leadership at ZS and Dominique Côté, CEO and Founder, Cosawi and Principal, The Summit Group

SAMA is proud to offer this 3rd article in the 4-part series on the importance of SAM / KAM leadership. In this series we explore the key capabilities that drive the success of great KAMs and KAM Leaders. Using the experiences of four amazing KAM leaders underpinned by research into KAM leader capabilities for success from ZS, this series of four articles illuminates the foundations of high performance in KAM leadership roles. In addition, this panel of four leaders will be featured at our Annual Conference, May 23-25 in New Orleans. Register here to join us.

As the market becomes more diverse and dynamic, the level of complexity that KAMs face continues to increase. In this context, both KAMs and KAM leaders need to canvass a range of perspectives to understand the problem and find more innovative solutions to address the changing market dynamics. Outstanding KAM leaders can both harness diversity and adapt their leadership style to address the needs of different individuals and cultures (1). Dominique Côté shares her experiences for harnessing diversity to deliver innovative solutions.

Dominique learned the value of diversity through her international experience (2). Dominique grew up in Canada but has led teams spanning 36 countries in her global leadership roles. These experiences developed Dominique’s appreciation for the value that different cultures bring to looking at problems and generating solutions. “One of the regions I led was Middle East, where the culture is grounded in a completely different philosophy in comparison with my home country of Canada. As a consequence, they look at the world through different lenses in line with their cultural values. When you combine diverse perspectives, it enables you to unlock new solutions and ideas for supporting customer success.”
Dominique’s experience aligns with research on the power of collective intelligence. The best predictor of the performance of a diverse group is not how smart the most intelligent group member is: rather, what makes the difference is the level of empathy and social sensitivity demonstrated by group leaders. High performing teams are those in which more people speak up and where more questions are asked to understand the perspectives of others. The level of diversity or the average intelligence of the group is not directly correlated to performance, yet where leaders are able to use their skills to enable the group to listen to each other and build on the ideas of others, groups perform almost 50% better in solving complex tasks and deliver more innovative solutions.

Adaptive leadership harnesses difference
Harnessing the ideas and perspectives of people with very different views is not an easy task, as Dominique describes. “Leading diverse teams requires a lot of humility. You are not the one with the answers: your job is to enable others to find solutions.” It also requires a high level of self-awareness. “Leading in international and diverse settings has encouraged me to become more self-aware. I have a better appreciation of my strengths, which enables me to be more assertive and supportive; I also have an understanding of how to manage or mitigate the areas where I am not so strong. That motivates me to support other people to shine and to encourage people to better appreciate each other’s strengths.”
Self-awareness is both a driver of high performance and a factor that underpins levels of empathy and social sensitivity. In fact, one study found that, without self-awareness, an individual only has a 17% chance of demonstrating empathy for others (3). Self-awareness encompasses both emotional self-awareness – an understanding of your current emotional state and potential triggers that may derail – and accurate self-assessment, which is the realistic self-appraisal of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses, as exemplified by Dominique.

Aligning a diverse team
Dominique applies her strengths as a KAM leader to rally diverse teams by drawing on a wide range of leadership styles. “The starting point is aligning people around a common purpose. A shared vision is what enables KAM leaders to focus the talents and different ways of thinking of the bright and ambitious people we work with. Our role is to awaken that intelligence and ambition, then foster a supportive environment to enable them to be at their best.”
Dominique’s approach reflects a broader trend in the leadership styles utilized by KAMs, as shown in the graph below (4). In comparison with First Line Managers with direct accountability for teams, KAMs tend to place more emphasis on styles such as involvement and storytelling in order to build commitment. They provide big picture direction, sharing the vision and mission for the team and the customer, but provide less specific task direction as they do not typically ‘own’ the resources in the team. As Dominique puts it, “KAM Leaders cannot dictate as leaders: they need to use leadership styles that are more about partnering and listening to create opportunities, growth and positive team environment.”

The graph above shows that KAMs do not tend to use a coaching style as much as FLMs. This is usually because they do not have the same level of investment in team member’s personal and professional development. Dominique sees this as an opportunity for KAMs. “I’m passionate about coaching as a means to help people find their own solutions,” says Dominique. “Coaching is all about asking open questions, guiding people to find the answers for themselves.”

Key capabilities for finding innovative solutions
As customer expectations rise and the market becomes more global and dynamic, KAMs need to utilize all available resources in order to create innovative solutions for customers that provide value and competitive differentiation. Diverse teams offer a prime source of insights and ideas. To harness this resource, KAMs and KAM leaders need to draw upon a broad range of leadership styles. Creating a vision that can align team members is a vital starting point: research suggests that a lack of alignment around goals accounts for about 80% of conflict in teams (5).
There are gender differences in how leaders apply leadership styles (6). Men tend to use leadership styles associated with task delivery more frequently while women tend to use styles that have a stronger people orientation. As the situation becomes complex and the stakeholders and team more diverse, KAM leaders need to leverage more of the people styles, such as coaching, involving and aligning.

By Tania Lennon, Global Space Lead, Talent Assessment and Leadership at ZS and Dominique Côté, CEO and Founder, Cosawi and Principal, The Summit Group

  1. DeRue, D. S. (2011). Adaptive leadership theory: Leading and following as a complex adaptive process. Research in organizational behavior, 31, 125-150.
    2. Woolley, A. W., Chabris, C. F., Pentland, A., Hashmi, N., & Malone, T. W. (2010). Evidence for a collective intelligence factor in the performance of human groups. science, 330(6004), pp. 686-688.
    3. Burckle, M. & Boyatzis, R. (1999). “Can you assess your own emotional intelligence? Evidence supporting multi-rater assessment.” Hay/McBer Research Report.
    4. Billingsley, T., Thompson, J. & Lennon, T. (2021). KAMs as Leaders: The challenges and benefits of informal leadership. SAMA Conference Presentation, VACA2021.
    5. Beckhard, R. (1972). Organizational development. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
    6. Eagly, A.H., Johannesen-Schmidt, M.C. and van Engen, M.L. (2003), ‘‘Transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership styles: a meta-analysis comparing women and men’’, Psychological Bulletin, 129(4) pp. 569-91.

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KAM Leader Series: Shaping Innovative Solutions

KAM Leader Series: Shaping Innovative Solutions

 Co-authored by Tania Lennon, Global Space Lead, Talent Assessment and Leadership at ZS and Dominique Côté, CEO and Founder, Cosawi and Principal, The Summit GroupSAMA is proud to offer this 3rd article in the 4-part series on the importance of SAM / KAM leadership....

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Transformation through Agile Leadership

Transformation through Agile Leadership


Dominique Côté

  The idea of executive engagement implies
an accountable and engaged member of the account team, rather than a distant back- room player.

In our organization’s work, we see much confusion and lack of clarity on executive sponsorship,  even when it is in place. Clarifying the executive sponsor role, behaviors (internally and externally)  and expectations is critical to leverage the role as an accelerator and create executive accountability within the account team.

In the first article of this series on critical success factors for accelerating the SAM journey, we discussed the importance of establishing a SAM Center of Excellence (COE) to enable the SAM journey evolution, sustainability and agility. As a sequel, we would like to address the critical role of executive sponsorship, how it can impact the success of your strategic partnership when done well and, most importantly, best practices for doing so.

I remember being an executive sponsor myself in the corporate environment. During those years of leading SAM journeys, I was often frustrated by the lack of engagement among some of my fellow executive sponsor colleagues. For many of them, it was their belief that being an executive sponsor amounted to being a name on a slide and a lifeline when a critical issue or problem arose. We too often confuse strategic account sponsorship with corporate project sponsorship, where sponsorship is a way to escalate issues or decision-making when in need.

When done right, strategic account sponsorship begs to have a very different definition. I find it valuable to rebrand the concept from executive sponsorship to executive engagement. This name implies buy-in from the executive and the “be-in” mindset. The idea of executive engagement implies an accountable and engaged member of the account team, rather than a distant backroom player.

Strategic account management is a team sport and requires cross-functional, vertical level engagement and strong accountability. Executive sponsorship is undoubtedly critical to the team and is a key internal and customer account role. It must be part of the SAM structure that is put in place to enable, support and execute the SAM vision and strategy, enabling customer partnership,  account revenue generation and achievement of objectives.

Below are the four key components that we see the best companies placing at the forefront of their efforts to accelerate executive sponsorship. 

  1. Leading the organizational customer-centric culture  
  2. Clearly defining the executive sponsor role 
  3. Adapting corporate behaviors when  working in the account
  4. Matching the right sponsor to each  account

Let us take a deep dive into these four components.​


1. Leading the organizational customer-centric culture

The executive sponsor has a role in creating and building the customer-centric culture for strategic account management.  Customer-centricity doesn’t require a new business model but rather a new mindset. The executive sponsor has a critical role in creating and driving the needed shift in mindset and being accountable for its deployment and execution through employee and voice-of-customer feedback. 

It is said that “culture eats strategy for breakfast” and is key to talent retention. Thus, influencing the organizational culture to become centered around the customer is one of the most critical roles of the executive sponsor. If we are asking our SAMs to bring their customers the best of what our entire enterprise has to offer, then we need the entire company to understand and be aligned around the customer. The SAM should be able to count on the help of the executive sponsor in amplifying the voice of the customer throughout the organization, particularly at the executive level. 

It is challenging to get even simple things done in a complex,  matrixed environment, and navigating our own organizations is one of the biggest barriers our customers say they face when working on establishing a strategic account management journey. Considering this, we note the natural tendency for SAMs to adopt a “do-it-yourself” way of working. One role of the executive sponsor, then, is to balance that can-do attitude – i.e.,  the ability to respond to continuous change – with the collaboration and alignment needed to create the value offer. Strategic account management is a team sport, and the sponsor needs to help to facilitate this team mindset.


2. Clearly defining the executive sponsor role

Recently, a client, who is a corporate executive, mentioned to me that he could sponsor eight to 10 accounts. We had worked with him throughout his company’s SAM journey and transformation. He said, “I already do it, so it should still be fine.” A flag went up immediately. It was clear that we needed to further define the executive sponsorship role and elaborate on its responsibilities. We also needed to make sure senior leaders are aware of these responsibilities to optimize their speed and impact.
A colleague from the SAMA Board of Directors, Noel Capon, recently wrote an article in Harvard Business Review, “When CEOs Make Sales Calls,”¹ in which he describes the impact of top management’s involvement in the customer relationship. He draws a parallel between executives and seagulls: “They fly in, make much noise, leave a mess and fly off.” Such behaviors can damage the customer relationship, the account’s share of wallet and the work’s success.
A good executive sponsor will not only open doors and initiate interactions but also will forge strong, trust-based relationships and will positively impact customers’ strategic objectives and growth. To be successful, the executive spon- sor needs to be matched with the appropriate account, understand his or her role and be open to feedback from the SAM on the role he or she should play. Executive sponsors need to leave their corporate behaviors behind and pivot to customer-facing behaviors.


A strategic account executive sponsor should:

  • Serve as the voice of the customer internally and champion/advocate for the strategic account manager
  • Eliminate internal barriers and advocate for resources to be allocated towards the portfolio of opportunities
  • Stay informed on the account through an established strategic account process
  • Contribute to, and have accountability for, the account plan
  • Challenge account strategy and tactics
  • Coach SAMs on business matters
  • Participate in internal leadership and customer account meetings – and not only when “the house is on fire”

The executive sponsor should be familiar with the account and help expand the customer mapping, engagement and relationship. Their account interactions should be based on the account needs and plans, aligned with the SAM /orchestrator of the account in order to be additive when in front of the customer and bring value to the engagement and plans.


Sponsors are critical in these uncertain and transforma- tive times. To lead effectively, they must embrace change through agile leadership. Let us define what we mean by agile leadership:

1. VISION: Creating a vision is a way of aligning to a common direction. It is about having the ability to see a future that others do not see; creating and communicating a clear vision, mission and, most importantly, purpose; and having an optimistic, yet pragmatic, outlook that is solution oriented. Leaders need to be able to see the solution and the path to success ahead.

2. RESILIENCY: More and more, we hear about resiliency, i.e., the ability to bounce back and learn from adversity. In our current reality, this leadership skill is necessary to survive.

3. CHARACTER: Having character is the ability to do the right thing, to take a stand for ethics and values and think for the good of something bigger. It is about taking risks and staying on course, having the courage to continue the oath and being willing and accountable for mistakes.

4. EMPATHY; Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the shoes of your employees, colleagues and customers. It is about deeply and intentionally listening without judgment, really listening to the other’s perspective. Leaders must be able to care for the team member who is doing the job. Empathy can be used to listen as well as communicate. Caring must be embedded in both.

With these skills, agile leaders can help their teams thrive and stay focused on what is essential, while continuously monitoring the changing environment to transform their organization.

3. Adapting corporate behaviors when working in the account

Figure 2 shows the behaviors we need to consider when we take on the executive sponsor role.

The first behavior is acting with arrogance. Let’s be honest: To thrive in corporate politics, we climb the corporate ladder by being assertive. This can lead to arrogance and often an inflated ego. Although such behaviors may serve us well in the corporate environment, we need to pivot and leverage our humility while interacting with the customer. It is not the time to share everything we or the company has achieved. We need to focus on understanding the customer and helping the SAM deep dive in the customer environment and gain the insight and knowledge needed to deliver broader customer value.

Managing departments and people and leading strategies require strong decision-making and an authoritative presence. Leaders have different styles, but with increased seniority comes greater responsibility and accountability. When working with the account as an executive sponsor, we need to pivot to serving mode by helping the SAM see the fit between the customer needs and what we have, without over-committing. We must remain realistic and accountable and help the account team see the broader picture. We also must help them execute by removing roadblocks.

As executives working in our corporate environments, we are trained to solve problems. We are often the lifeline that guides the implementation teams and offers solutions to problems and issues. While this problem-solving role stays true internally, when we are in front of the customer, we need to suspend solving and focus on listening to understand deeper and better.

The world moves faster and faster, and with this, our impatience as executives has grown. How many projects never see the light of day due to lack of quick outcomes or a change in strategy? As an executive sponsor, we need to adapt to the customer’s pace and build opportunities and value offerings based on the customer’s speed, not ours. We need to align the project management, timelines and deliverables with the customer’s. The executive sponsor needs to represent this internally as well. Creating strategic customer value and building trust requires time. Strategic account management is mid-to-long-term focused. Creating strategic customer value and building trust requires time.

Finally, we should not assume that successful engagement between an executive sponsor and customer requires a fit at the title level. Matching the right executive to the right account requires finesse and the SAM’s input as the owner of the account relationship.

4. Matching the executive sponsor with the right account

The following are a few good practices to consider in matching the right executive sponsor to the right strategic account to drive revenue growth, provide agility, increase awareness for the strategic accounts and deepen the relationship.

1. You need to ensure that you have the sponsor’s time commitment. This needs to be a priority. We estimate a minimum of 10 to 12 hours per year. Obviously, this estimate can vary greatly depending on the scale, business, project and complexity of the strategic account. In addition, a monthly touchpoint with the SAM is important to coach them, stay abreast of the account and prepare for customer meetings.

2. The SAM needs to be part of the executive sponsor selection and be comfortable with the selected sponsor.

I suggest expanding your search beyond title and role, beyond commercial leaders. Procurement leaders, chief financial officers and other senior leaders can be great sponsors if the fit is right. We need to consider the person’s willingness and personality fit with the customer account. Variables such as culture, background, interests and hobbies can all be used to connect the best sponsor with the account.

We are fully aware that we often do not have all this information before matching. The point is that we need to leverage available information and go beyond conventional approaches based on roles and titles. The more you know about your strategic accounts, the better you can align your executive sponsor.

3. We need to think about the tenure of the executive sponsor. Strategic account management is about building trusted relationships. The executive sponsor can help expand these relationships, so a certain assignment length and continuity in the sponsorship commitment from the executive sponsor helps in the mid-to-long-term growth and penetration of the account, especially when co-creation is one of the relationship objectives.

Figure 3: Matching the right executive sponsor

Availability: Time commitment
Willingness: Desire to do this
Fit: Beyond title
Tenure: Commit to mid- to long term

What’s next?

Beyond creating a COE and rethinking executive sponsorship, it is time to bring back Marketing in a co-orchestrator role as account-based marketing (ABM) to help accelerate the strategic account management journey. Our third and final article in this series will define ABM and dive into its role as co-orchestrator of the value offering, the importance of Marketing to the SAM journey and the need to shift Marketing’s mindset from inside-out to outside-in. Look for it in an upcoming issue of Velocity. n

1 Noel Capon, When CEOs Make Sales Calls, Harvard Business Review, March-April 2021.


Dominique Côté brings 30 years of experience as an executive leader of commercial teams in global pharmaceutical and biotech organizations. Her consultancy work is focused on commercial excellence; executive leadership and coaching; KAM/SAM roadmaps and journeys; skills and process; and account-based marketing. She is the owner and founder of Cosawi and also a Principal at The Summit Group. She can be reached at [email protected] or through www.cosawi.com.

Download the Article HERE

About the Author

Dominique Côté brings  30 years of experience leading commercial teams in global pharmaceutical and biotech organizations.  Her consultancy work is focused on Commercial Excellence, Executive coaching &  leadership, KAM/SAM roadmaps & journeys, as well as Account based Marketing.

She is an accomplished international business leader, recognized as a chief architect of global account program journeys, leading corporate changes and cultural shifts for customer-centric innovation and patient value.

Dominique is  a panelist and keynote speaker in Europe and the U.S. in the areas of commercial  Excellence and Customer centricity. She writes and is published in journals like Journal of Sales Transformation, Velocity, and others on these topics.

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KAM Leader Series: Shaping Innovative Solutions

KAM Leader Series: Shaping Innovative Solutions

 Co-authored by Tania Lennon, Global Space Lead, Talent Assessment and Leadership at ZS and Dominique Côté, CEO and Founder, Cosawi and Principal, The Summit GroupSAMA is proud to offer this 3rd article in the 4-part series on the importance of SAM / KAM leadership....

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Thinking Globally and acting local

Thinking Globally and acting local

Thinking Globally and Acting Local



The COE creates the fine balance by driving the corporate shift, aligning the vision and mindset and providing an aligned communication and business process while enabling the local groups to focus on customer intimacy and relevant value

In addition to everything we’ve covered above, the global COE is also responsible for connecting global groups within the company to the local affiliates. They are accountable for aligning the organization to the business and strategic account planning processes, as well as connecting and aligning how the strategic accounts engage with the rest of the commercial teams in the markets and local affiliates.

By providing this central leadership and process, they are using the Pareto principles of 80/20% by providing the 80% to enable the local affiliates to customize to their local needs but saving them from having to start from scratch and duplicate efforts. The COE can provide capability and training development as well and help them established their customized Strategic account management roadmap aligned with the global strategy.

In return, local teams can look at their market environments and, from them, prioritize their local roadmaps. The more the marketplace is integrated and features complex customers, the more they will need to move from a transactional sales model to a strategic account management business model. It is by helping the local teams – who are focused on their market and customer understanding, customer journey and decision making – that the Global COE can support localization of the roadmap and prioritise the help and support needed to preserve and enhance local customer intimacy while being the guardian of the “one voice” at the corporate level.


The Global COE can also help foster the creation of communities of practice to exchange on best practice and scale them. These communities help accelerating the SAM journey, connectivity and dissemination of ideas. they can be the anchor point for business case creation, communication and scaling opportunities across the organization. 


With one of our clients, a company with a well-established COE we recently helped them customize their role, impact and support investment to the needs of their local affiliate by creating a framework that adapts to the status of the affiliate and focuses on providing a step approach to go from this starting point. This enabled this COE group to clarify and enhance its role while customizing its support to the affiliate market status, needs and capabilities. 


Having worked with many organizations in this cultural shift and business transformation, our experience is that without a COE, we find the project and transformation are at significant risks of being derailed by lack of resources, lack of focus or lack of leadership needed to instill the required change.


We have also seen that, in this acceleration of adapting how we do business and how we engage with customer in our new reality, some pillars of the COEs are taking on a front-line role. For example, learning and development investment is increasing in these times when SAMs are working from home and the skills needed in this new environment are shifting. 




Finally, when creating your SAM Center of Excellence in line with these critical success factors, your will end up with a COE that spans across the organization, breaking silos and driving the SAM roadmap and journey today and for the future. 

It can bring expertise for more customer value and differentiation, which will result in your customer remembering that you care about their success. The COE helps the SAM build trusted partnerships by supporting their processes and needs, focusing on what is important to your customers and enabling customer -facing teams to show up as one organization in a coordinated manner. In short, the COE helps the SAM elevate his and her game.

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Recent Posts

KAM Leader Series: Shaping Innovative Solutions

KAM Leader Series: Shaping Innovative Solutions

 Co-authored by Tania Lennon, Global Space Lead, Talent Assessment and Leadership at ZS and Dominique Côté, CEO and Founder, Cosawi and Principal, The Summit GroupSAMA is proud to offer this 3rd article in the 4-part series on the importance of SAM / KAM leadership....

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